
Lush Healthy Lawn

  • Compost tea
  • Core aerate
  • Overseed with compost
  • Ensure lawn receives 1 inch of water per week, preferably all at once, as rain or irrigation
Organic Pre-Emergent

Weed Control

  • Organic pre-emergent treatments
  • Core aerate
  • Overseed with compost
  • Interrupt the reproduction cycle
  • Mow high
  • Integrated Pest Management – Spring chemical pre- emergent herbicide
  • Integrated Pest Management – Summer chemical spot treatment
  • Mulch (for garden beds)
Insect Control

Pest Control

  • Organic insect control
  • Compost tea
  • Tick and mosquito organic barrier spray
Healthy Lawn

Drought Resistance

  • Compost tea
  • Core aerate
  • Overseed with compost
  • Mow high
  • Ensure lawn receives 1 inch of water per week as rain
    or irrigation with 4 weeks of no irrigation in July & August
  • Mulch (for garden beds)